Monday, January 17, 2011

evolution of internet

In 1969
  • the Deparment of Defence Andvanced Research Project Agency(ARPA) developed an experimental network call ARPAnet to link together four supercomputing centres for milirity research.a 4-node network was connected by addding the University of Utah and the University of California,Santa Barbara.Buiding on ideas developed in ALOHAnet.     
In 1968
  • ARPA requested quotations
  • packet switching was widely doubted, but was desired for its fault tolerance. One objective was to build a system that could withstand any systematic attack on central nodes, such as from a nuclear strike.
In 1973 
  • an effort began to connect ARPANET with mobile networks using synchronous satellites (SATNET) and mobile packet radio (PRNET), this effort became known as “internetting”.
  • part of this research effort resulted in Ethernet (in Hawaii)
July 1977
  • a four-network demonstration linked ARPANET, SATNET
in 1978
  •   the PRNET. TCP/IP version 4 came
in 1983
  • - the new internet protocolls, generally called TCP/IP, began to be developed in the early 70s, and ARPANET switched to them. in January 1983
in 1986
  •  supercomputer centers programme (Senator Gore’s legislation) led to the NFSNET, which remained the backbone until April 1995
in 1989
  •  experimental electronic mail relay put into operation, interconnecting MCI Mail with the Internet. Compuserve, ATTMail, and Sprintmail followed shortly.